


平成27年2月13日(金)公開授業 13時40分~(受付 13時20分)ICT(タブレットPC・電子黒板等)を活用した授業を公開します。

13:40~ 全クラス 公開授業(算数科) ICT(タブレットPC、電子黒板等)を活用した授業も公開します。
14:50~ 研究発表
15:10~ 指導好評 帝京大学客員教授 廣田敬一先生
15:40~ 講演会 常葉大学教授 黒澤俊二先生




e-Learning for Educators: Missouri is part of an eight-state online professional development program funded by a U.S. Department of Education Ready to Teach grant. e-Learning for Educators: Missouri is a program for developing and delivering high-quality online professional development designed to increase teacher knowledge and skills to improve student performance. The program is designed to leverage the expertise and experience of Missouri’s educators while making high-quality professional development available across the state. Experienced Missouri educators facilitate and develop the online professional development courses for teachers. Collaborators leading the effort include Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) KETC/Channel 9 St. Louis Public Television University of Missouri (eMINTS National Center) The contents of this web site were developed under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. One hundred percent of the total costs of the program are financed with Federal money. – See more at: